You have a fantastic posting for the average non-medical person that explains how to understand the various designations on a blood test. The only problem is that since it is copyrighted material it obviously cannot be printed without permission.But there is no link easily identified to get that permission. I think if you put the link with the comment people like me would not have to search the web site to find a means to contact you. Thanks in advance if you do in fact give me permission to copy the posting.

Dear website,
I am truly pleased I was able to find this incredible resource. Will share your website with my family, and hopefully they can also start becoming more knowledgeable about what the results mean. What a blessing, to have such information at hand.
Thank you again,

Thank you for making this info available. I just got my blood test results and it is nice to have a source for interpreting it.

Thank you for making this information available. Really helps to understand test results and communicate with doctor about results.

My wife, Patti and I are so happy with this whole medical practice, and especially Dr. Do. We really like the patient portal too. Your office is so efficient and caring it is very nice. Thank you so much. Howard & Patti Sanders

I just got my blood test back in the mail and would have had no idea how to read it and what it all meant if not for your great web site. Thanks so much!!

Thank you for all the info you have provided. It is unreal that so many doctors, specialists do not know how to read blood tests. I am so happy there is a resource that explains everything. I would probably be dead by now if not for your website! Thank you so much!!!

"How to interpret your lab results" is sooo helpful.

I recently discovered Dr. Biggs' article on "How to interpret your lab" through a continuing education site - I was very glad to find it! Is it possible to obtain a "hard copy" of it? I am an acupuncturist in another state, and it would be a great resource for me in my practice.

Thank you for your lab results post - came across it looking for T3RU clarification.

I am a nursing instructor with beginning medical-surgical students. I have been searching for a reference that explains the different lab values. Your site is the best I have come across. I will share your web site with my students. However, I would like your permission to download the information and share it with my colleagues. I will certainly give your medical group the credit it deserves. Is there a way to print the information?

I really appreciate the staff @ Amarillo Medical Specialists. I left some papers on the counter when we paid out & forgot to pick them up. As my wife & I were walking out of the building, a staff member was out front asking everyone their last names. When we told her ours, she handed me my papers. As I get older, yes I know that 56 is not that old, I rely on my wife more & more for some of her brain. Now, it looks like, I need to rely on the staff @ AMS too!
Thank you for going above & beyond of what is required of you. Shame on Blue Cross/ Blue Shield for trying to disrupt such good medical care & supporting staff.
Thank you,
Wesley James

I really appreciated your blood tests results explanations.
You asked to be told if there are typos. I found two:
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance in the blood which, if elevated has been associated with heart disease. [You need a second comma after "elevated."]
You comments are welcome if you see a typographical or technical error here. [You meant: Your comments are welcome . . . .]
Again, thanks for clear explanations.

Great Website... but I sure would love to have access to send Dr Archer an email that ask some questions BEFORE I visit her... that way she will have time to do research (if necessary) and seemingly would expedite my once a year visit. Thanks

Dr. Biggs,
Your YouTube posts have helped us tremendously where eCW has failed to train. Thank you!
-frustrated primary care MD who wants to throw her computer into a wall!

Congratulations to Dr. Do for being named a Fellow in the American College of Physicians. What a great honor for our doctor--one who truly cares about his patients.

Your explanation of how to read your blood test is very informative and the best description I have been able to find. I have done various searches and yours is the most comprehensive and easily understood of any I have been able to find. Would you please give me permission to copy them? I would like to have it to compare my results each time I get blood work done. Thank you for your consideration.

Hey Amarillo Med, Congratulations on your most extraordinary achievement in creating a website which does exactly what it sets out to do, and does it very well indeed. The design is friendly, the writing is clear, the language is precise without being condescending in the least. Most of all, I celebrate the message that comes through loud and clear, that "We want to provide the very best information to our clients in a way that is simple, direct and useful." Don't you know that when a bunch of doctors get together they're supposed to sound arrogant? Somehow you failed to get that message, and we thank you.

Dear Dr Do,
Thank you so much for sharing your biography. Pershap, your family was still lucky than among all of the vietnamese people and that you came here at the young age so that the chance to get high education become more realistice. I am very admired your education and warmt-hearted person. Please keep up all your sweet/kind personality so that you can help as much more people as you can.
Warm regards,

I am an RN student. and came across your "How to interpret your lab results" found this to be very helpful and would like very much to download this information and use it in my clinical area along with the classroom part of nursing. Can you please assist. Email is Very much appreciative.

I found your explanation of blood tests very helpful. Thanks for the information. In the sentence at the bottom of the page where you ask for comments concerning typographical errors, there is a typographical error. It says: "You comments are welcome if you see a typographical or technical error here."

This is such a fantastic site! Usually my Dr only tells me when there is an area for concern. Reading my results while referring to this page definitely helped me understand everything. Thank you!

I have been visiting your web page since 2005 and have found it to be the most informative, easy to read website on the net.
Every year I get a complete blood screening (at a reduced rate) through the local Rotary Club. The results are mailed directly to me at my home address. I do take a copy of the tests to my regular doctor. Because of your web site I am ready with questions for my doctor. I believe an informed patient can take a more active roll in their health care.
Thank you for making this website available to the general public.

Thanks for help understanding the results of my uncle's blood test.
(Did not see anything about LYM# and LYM%. Perhaps a line or two could be added explaining what they are.)

Of all the doctors I have seen and the ones I saw with my wife over the years, Dr. Miranda is the best!